Thank you for your interest in writing for the Omstars blog.
We are committed to putting out content that makes the world a better place. Our purpose is to support people not only on their yoga journeys but also in their journeys through life.
We are looking for articles about yoga and yoga philosophy, health and wellness, body image, meditation, and personal development.
When trying to decide if your post is right for Omstars ask yourself if it helps the reader. Does it give them tools to navigate the world more easily? Does it provide perspective on an idea that they might not have considered before? Does it share a story that teaches and enlightens?
Submissions should be between 500 and 2,000 words.
Please send your submissions to news[at]omstars[dot]com. Put “Blog Submission” in the subject line.
We don’t allow you to put links within your post. Your bio can include links back to your website and to your social media accounts.
If you don’t already have a bio on the Omstars website, please include a short bio at the end of your submission with your social media and website URLs. Also please include a high-quality picture of you that we can use in your bio.
If you need some help knowing what to write about here are some examples:
Ashtanga Yoga is Hard — A Begninner’s Guide to How to Practice
What is Mantra and How Do We Use It Respectfully?
What Does It Mean to Be At Peace With Your Body?