Sometimes doing just one pose can set you up for the whole day. Let’s look at Trikonasana, or Triangle Pose, and a powerful cue for stabilizing your pelvis and lumbar.
Understanding tips like this one also sharpens your knowledge of anatomical and bio-mechanical principles. The principle at work here is that of muscle co-contraction. This cue co-contracts or activates two separate muscles, namely, the psoas and quadriceps of the forward leg. As a consequence, you will feel a deep stability in your hip joint and a connection from your leg to your lumbar spine.
Extend your forward leg knee by contracting the quadriceps. At the same time, press down with your torso through the arm into the hand, and onto your shin. This activates your psoas (and iliacus), tilting the pelvis over the forward leg and, by lumbopelvic rhythm, drawing the lumbar out of hyperflexion. Feel how this connection stabilizes your pelvis and lumbar and awakens the forward leg in the pose.
In the beginning, it may be difficult to get the hang of activating your psoas. Get a feel for this by bending the knee and pressing down on the thigh through your elbow as shown here. Click here for an entire series of poses you can use to awaken your psoas.
I hope you enjoy this cue. Think about what’s happening bio-mechanically while you work with this. Thanks as well to everyone for your support of the folks in Panama City who were affected by Hurricane Michael. Check back next week to see how to integrate the back leg into this cue for Trikonasana
By Ray & Chris of The Daily Bandha
Ray Long MD FRCSC is a board certified orthopedic surgeon and the founder of Bandha Yoga.
Chris Macivor is a 3D Graphic Dessigner and illustrator who has been involved in the field of digital content creation for well over ten years.
This article was originally posted on If you would like more practice with Trikonasana, check out the tutorial below on