We see with our eyes, we hear with our ears, we feel with our bodies. What we have discovered is that everybody usually has one primary intake pathway, and that affects how they receive information.
So, what do I mean by that? What I know they have learned in polarity therapy is that we all have different intake pathways. We see with our eyes, we hear with our ears, we feel with our bodies. What we have discovered is that everybody usually has one primary intake pathway, and that affects how they receive information.
For example, I am almost completely aural, I live through my ears. It is one of the reasons why I write books. How this translates in business is when I started working with clients, because I do not need to write stuff down to remember it. I would assume that my client was writing something down while I was talking, that he or she was not listening to me. So, I would take away their pen. Well, when you take away the pen of a kinesthetic person–because writing is how they remember, they learn through their body–now they cannot hear you anymore. I learned I needed to let my kinesthetic clients keep their pens.
What I want you to think about is consider the intake pathway of the person that you are dealing with. One way to know this, or to figure it out, is consider what they do for a living. Highly kinesthetic people really understand 3D space. These are your chefs, your sculptors, your race car drivers. They know what’s going on, web designers, architects, landscape design. Highly aural people tend to work with words, again, they are your writers and your editors. Things like that. Highly visual people, you know, they are your painters, they are your decorators. They really see the world in a very different way than you do.
Consider what someone’s intake pathway is, and then alter how you might give them information. Just a simple trick is, if, you are dealing with someone who is visual, you can say to them, you know what, I see what you are saying. If you are dealing with someone who is aural, it is, like, I hear what you are saying. And if someone is highly kinesthetic, you understand what they are feeling.
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By Frances Cole Jones
Frances Cole Jones is the author of How to Wow: Proven Strategies for Selling Your (Brilliant) Self in any Situation and The Wow Factor: The 33 Things You Must (and Must Not) Do to Guarantee Your Edge in Today’s Business World (Ballantine Books/Random House). She also has an app for the iPhone and iPad called “Interview Wow”. In addition to writing and speaking, Frances is the President of Cole Media Management, a media training company focused on cultivating clients’ inherent strengths to develop more powerful communication skills. Prior to founding Cole Media Management, Frances worked at St. Martin’s Press, Viking Penguin, and Doubleday as an editor of commercial nonfiction. The experience of helping authors translate their ideas into books that retain their unique voice is part of what makes her valuable to clients.