If you’re looking to improve your flexibility, look no further than the hanumanasana yoga pose! This challenging pose is great for stretching out the hamstrings and improving overall flexibility.
In Ashtanga yoga, you don’t start to integrate hanumanasana into your practice until the later part of the third series. So it is considered an advanced posture.
This pose is dedicated to Hanuman, the monkey deity. It’s a powerful pose because according to tradition Hanuman bestows many blessings. The blessing of doing Hanumansana is more flexibility in your back and hips.
If you have tight hamstrings and hip flexors you’ll need to work on your flexibility in those muscles before giving this pose a try. It’s important to make sure you’ve properly warmed up before attempting this pose.
What are the benefits of hanumanasana?
Hanumanasana is a deep forward bend. Practicing it will increase your flexibility in your:
- Hamstrings
- Groin
- Hips
- Pelvis
- Low back
- Calves
Hanumansana stimulates the abdominal organs and activates the core. It strengthens the spine, improves digestion, and relieves stress. Additionally, it can help relieve symptoms of fatigue, anxiety, and depression.
What are the contraindications for Hanumanasana?
Avoid Hanumanasana if you have any knee, ankle, groin, hip, or hamstring injuries. Pregnant women should avoid the pose because it puts pressure on the pelvis and groin.
How to do Hanumanasana.
Traditionally you move into hanumanasana from downward dog. Make sure you are warmed up before you start. Do a few sun salutations to generate some internal heat.
From downward dog, look forward as you inhale and lift your right leg.
Exhale and bring your right leg out in front of you between your hands. Your leg is straight and your toe is pointed. Orient your pelvis forward.
Lower yourself to the ground with both your front and back legs straight. Opening through the hips, groin, and pelvis.
Make sure your hips are square forward when you are in the pose. It’s important to do the pose correctly so you don’t get into bad habits.
Use the strength of your legs. You want to keep your engaged. Don’t just sink into the floor.
Point your toes.
Bring your hands overhead, palms together and look up at your hands.
Stay for five breaths before repeating it on the other side.
The secret to doing any difficult posture is figuring out where you need to work and working on that with patience and kindness. You can’t rush the journey. Your body will open when it’s ready to. Watch the video with Kino for more details about doing this pose.