How to do Low Lunge (Anjaneyasana)

Do you want to learn how to do Anjaneyasana? Low lunge or crescent moon lunge is a great way to release the front of the hips and give a good stretch to your quads. This makes the posture great to practice if you are learning how to do front splits. It’s also excellent for opening up your hips after you’ve been sitting all day. The posture is one that you’ll come across often in yoga sequences, so whether or not you want to get into a front split eventually, it is still a good pose to be familiar with.

Before we look at how to do the pose, let’s find out the benefits and the contraindications.

Benefits of anjaneyasana

Here are just some of the benefits of crescent lunge pose.

Releases the hips

  • Opens the chest
  • Stretches quads and hamstrings
  • Stretches and strengthens core muscles
  • Heart opening
  • Strengthens the legs
  • Stretches the shoulders

Contraindications for anjaneyasana

There are some contraindications for crescent lunge. If you have these conditions, you should avoid the pose.

  • Knee injury
  • Hip injury
  • Groin injury
  • Low back problems
  • High blood pressure

How to do anjaneyasana

Starting from downward facing dog, step your right foot forward between your hands.

Place the sole of your foot on the floor between your hands and bend your right knee to a 90 degree angle. Stack the knee over the ankle, so you’re in a runner’s lunge.

Place the back knee on the ground with the foot pointing behind you.

Square your hips and engage your core as you raise your torso up along the centerline of your body.

Bring your hands together overhead and look up at the thumbs.

Your legs and core should remain active in the pose. Your shoulders are down the back, and your ribcage is lifted.

Stay here for 5 breaths before slowly coming out of the pose and repeating it on the other side.

Watch this video with Adrian for more tips about how to do anjaneyasana.

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