OmStars Featured Member

We want to hear from our members at! This month we reached out to one of our subscribers, and she was kind enough to share her story with us. Read her story below and be sure to check her out on Instagram as @Colombianyogi!

Why and how I started practicing yoga?

Seven years ago I went for a walk with my husband and was surprised at how quickly I felt exhausted. “This is not ok” I told myself. I have never liked any kind of physical activity but I knew I needed to do something. I went to take my very first yoga class at a studio and I couldn’t wait for the class to be over. I hated it! It was hard, I was covered in sweat, I couldn’t do anything and didn’t know how to breathe. I felt incredibly uncomfortable and why was that teacher speaking in Sanskrit? I barely speak English.

Come on! Why would anyone do this to themselves?

Thus, I was surprised to see so many people in the room. How come the people that look 20-30 years older can do so much that I can’t? I had many questions. That day I told myself I was going to find out why did they all kept going to take yoga, and once I figured that out I wasn’t going to come back.

Initially, I went once a week (I still hated it). Then I started to feel a little better, so I decided to go twice a week. Next thing I know I was doing yoga six times a week, 60-90 min per session. Yoga not only changed my body and mind but it changed the way I live life. It taught me to love myself, to work hard and to believe in me. I learned to find peace in moments of war and I made it my lifestyle.

I have been practicing other forms of traditional yoga for about seven years. Not even once had I tried Ashtanga. To be honest, I was afraid of it. I knew it required a lot of discipline and work. I didn’t know if I was ready. Then came Kino with Omstars and I finally told myself: WTH? What’s the worst that can happen? You can’t know your favorite kind of ice cream until you have tried them all right?

I clicked the subscribe button and in so many years of practicing yoga I haven’t felt this way. Ashtanga gave me a whole new perspective. It showed me where I really am in my practice and is taking me in the right direction. I can see how I get stronger and stronger every day and I am loving every minute of it. Why the hell did I wait this long?

I am a Mom, wife, Spanish High School Teacher and Grad student in Connecticut and while I can’t make it to the studio six times a week anymore I can still practice asana that often, all thanks to Omstars.

Start your practice today on OmStars

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