Laghu Vajrasana or the little thunderbolt pose is a powerful posture that allows you to test the limits of your strength and your faith. You have to believe in yourself to do this pose.
This deep backbend brings energy, vitality, and circulation into the body. Laghu Vajrasana is part of the Ashtanga Yoga Second Series and is considered a gateway pose of strength. Not only does it tone the muscles of the back, but it gives you a powerful lift in the pelvis. Once you master it, you’ll be able to connect your legs deep into the center of your pelvic floor, giving you the strength to support yourself in deeper backbends.
You must have the base level of flexibility in the camel pose before trying this pose.
As you move into the posture, your limits of strength will be deeply challenged. It trains your mind to face adversity and rise up. At the same time, the pose is a physical test to make sure you have the tools to safely support your back before moving into deeper backbends in the series.
Give yourself the time and patience you need for this posture. Now let’s look at how to get into Laghu Vajrasana.
Kneel on your mat. Thrust your pelvis forward and soften your glutes.
Your belly sucks, strengthening your core.
Dangle your arms back and bring your hands to your ankles with the thumb on the inside and the fingers on the outside.
You want to push into your ankles with your hands. Your elbows are straight.
Roll your shoulders forward to support your neck and put your head back.
Your pelvis is up and forward. Go long, and don’t try to narrow the body as you go down.
Calm your mind and make a mental picture of yourself successfully executing the pose.
Slowly lower your head toward this floor. Think about lengthening your body as you lower it. The crown of your head will touch the floor.
Endurance is an important lesson that helps you build strength. Always make sure your joints are safe. If your muscles are burning, you’re building strength.
As always, be patient with yourself. The strength you need for this pose will come over time and practice.
Follow this video tutorial from Kino for more details about doing the pose.
By Omstars