Backbending is an important part of your practice because it gets the energy flowing through your spine. Backbends help increase spinal flexibility and can even lift your mood.
Simple Bridge pose is a good introductory pose to help you incorporate backbends into your practice. It is beneficial for your spine and hips.
Benefits of Simple Bridge Pose
When you perform bridge pose, you are working to strengthen your hips, glutes, and hamstrings. This is a great pose to help improve flexibility in your spine and can help relieve back pain. Bridge pose also helps to open up the chest and shoulders.
Here are some of the benefits of doing simple bridge pose:
-This yoga pose strengthens your back and spine.
-It can help relieve pain in the neck and upper back.
-It stretches hip flexors.
-It can help improve circulation.
-It is a great way to relieve stress and anxiety.
Contraindications for Simple Bridge Pose
If you are suffering from high blood pressure, bridge pose is not recommended. If you are pregnant, avoid this pose or speak with your doctor before attempting it.
How to Perform Simple Bridge Pose
Step One: Lie flat on your back with your feet hip-width apart and parallel to each other. Your knees are bent and the soles of your feet are flat on the floor.
Step Two: Move your feet so they are as close to your buttocks as you can comfortably get them. Your arms are at your sides with your palms down. Try to get your fingertips to touch your heels.
Step Three: Inhale and press into your feet to lift your hips off the ground. Send your hips up and forward. Do not squeeze your glutes.
Step Four: Roll your shoulders under and let your spine lift. If you are comfortable here you can roll your shoulders under even more and grab your ankles.
Step Five: Hold for five breaths, then release and lower your hips to the ground.
So, if you are looking for a simple yoga pose that offers many benefits, give simple bridge pose a try! You won’t be disappointed.