These days, with so many resources available on the internet, eating healthy is easier than ever. We love looking for recipes from our favorite vegan foodies all over the web, and this week, we were lucky enough to come across this middle eastern treat courtesy of Natalie Prigoone. So, grab your food processor and a can of chickpeas and let’s get cooking!
These cute little falafels were made by my mum. I made the accompanying babganoush and tzadziki . This is when cooking works: Everyone does their little bit and then brings it together for something far greater.
400g can chickpeas
1/3 cup organic besan flour
1/4 cup chopped parsley
1 small onion
Salt and pepper
1 tsp ground coriander seeds
1/2 tsp ground cumin
2 cloves garlic (crushed or use micro plane for a fine grate.
Hand chop herbs, and onion.
Drain and rinse chickpeas.
Blend all ingredients in food processor on the pulse option. You don’t want mush. Keep it a little chunky. Scrape down sides as you go.
Refrigerate mixture in a bowl for 30 minutes to firm up.
Roll into small small balls and shallow fry in your favourite oil. Coconut or olive oil work well.
Cook both sides until golden.
Serve with salad, pita, babaganoush and tzadziki. Yum.
NOTE: Reserve the liquid for something else. It’s called Aquafaba and is a great vegan substitute for an egg in a meringue. Many other uses.
By Natalie Prigoone