How to do Supported Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose)

Do you want to learn how to do a supported supta baddha konasana? This is a great yoga pose for beginners. It is a relaxing and restorative pose that can help relieve stress and tension. In this blog post, we will show you how to do the pose step by step. We will also discuss the benefits and contraindications of the pose.

Benefits of supta baddha konasana

There are many benefits of supta baddha konasana, including:

  • Relieves stress and tension: This pose is very calming and relaxing. It can help to relieve stress and tension from the mind and body.
  • Stretches the inner thighs and groin: This pose helps to stretch the inner thighs and groin muscles.
  • Opens the hips: This pose helps to open up the hips and release any tightness in the hip area.
  • Improves digestion: This pose massages the digestive organs and can help to improve digestion.
  • Relieves back pain: This pose can help to relieve back pain by stretching the back muscles.

Contraindications of supta baddha konasana

There are a few contraindications to be aware of before doing this pose, including:

If you have any injuries to the knees, hips, or back, please consult your doctor before doing this pose.  If you are pregnant, please consult your doctor before doing this pose.

How to do Supported Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose)

For this pose, you’ll need a bolster, a rolled-up blanket, and two yoga blocks to support you.

To begin, sit up tall on your yoga mat with your legs straight out in front of you.

Bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together. Allow your knees to fall out to the sides. If they don’t touch the floor, place yoga blocks under your knees to support them.

Place a bolster behind you. The bolster will support the length of your spine, so have one end of it close to your tailbone. The other end of it points behind you. Gently lay back on the bolster.

You can place a rolled-up blanket or towel beneath your neck to support your head.

Place your hands at your side or wherever they feel comfortable.

Stay in this position for 5-10 minutes, breathing deeply and relaxing into the pose.

In conclusion, the supported supta baddha konasana is a great yoga pose for beginners. It is a relaxing and restorative pose that can help relieve stress and tension. This pose can also help to stretch the inner thighs and groin muscles, open up the hips, and improve digestion. If you have any injuries or medical conditions, please consult your doctor before doing this pose. Otherwise, give it a try and see how you feel!

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