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Home Practice Challenge

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3416 people are taking part. Sign up to join

How It Works

Sign Up

Enter your information to take part in the challenge.

Get Ready

Follow Omstars and the challenge hashtag on social media and be part of the community.

Stay On Track

Check your email daily for new lessons. Post your progress on social media.

Finish Strong

Keep the momentum going and build your practice long after the challenge is over.

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Find Inspiration, Get Support, Build Community

Get inspired to keep stepping onto your mat to practice when you join the #HomePracticeChallenge. Get to know new teachers and find out if their style is a good match for you. Receive a new pose and video class every day for 30 days complete with modifications to make them truly accessible.

Whether you love Ashtanga, Flow, Rocket or Vinyasa, you’ll enjoy this challenge. Each day is loosely based on the Ashtanga Primary series but mixes in non-ashtanga classes to provide you with a new way of looking at the practice and poses you’re familiar with. Join your Omstars yoga family to get the support you crave. Let’s come together in community, in movement, and in breath. You’re never alone in your practice.

Challenge Schedule & Teachers

Each day we’ll feature a new pose and classes from a ton of different courses. This 30-day challenge features a variety of yoga styles and teachers to give you a taste of what Omstars has to offer

Home Practice Challenge

Sign up for a Free Trial and start practicing with us today!

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Check out what people are saying about past challenges...

I got started with a 30-day challenge that built-in intensity and allowed me to grow into a full ashtanga series... Read More

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Practice Yoga and live the Yogi life - Move with grace. Radiate happiness. Be at peace.