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Omstars Mission

Omstars is real, watchable, entertaining, enlightening, authentic, life-changing content made for yogis by yogis. We like to think ourselves as “Netflix for Yogis”. Whether you are a total yoga beginner, someone looking for healing from chronic pain, searching for mindfulness and meditation to soothe a busy mind, or trying to master a handstand, we will be with you every step of the way.

You’ll discover a sense of the sacred and re-open the doors of reverence in your life. Yoga is a spiritual tradition with profound depth one your experience on Omstars is curated by the best teachers in the world. Each class is part of a larger course designed by a select group of the leaders in spirituality and mindfulness.

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We believe...

  • Anyone can live the yogi life
  • You can practice yoga and change your world
  • Yoga is a journey not a destination
  • Yoga is a lifestyle of inner peace
  • Yoga leads you to the true light of the world
  • Omstars is a community of like-minded souls where healing and transformation takes place
  • Love really does conquer all
Image of Kino on the beach

Our platform covers in-depth how to live the holistic health lifestyle and goes way beyond just what shapes you can make with your body. You'll get to practice yoga with a team of elite teachers and understand what a yogi does, how a yogi talks, and how a yogi lives life. You get to share so much more than just great classes! Omstars is your virtual sangha, a community where you share your yoga practice and the transformation it has brought to your life.

Join Omstars when you are ready live the yogi life with us, inspire yourself and have a friend in yoga. We are creating a global family of yogis dedicated to the discovery of the true light. Experience how much progress you’re making with our innovative practice tracker - celebrate the time you spend with your practice. Keep going and keep transforming with ongoing new content every month. Get rewards for logging more practice hours, and once you accrue enough rewards, redeem your vouchers in the store or donate to charities.

Our co-founder Kino MacGregor is sometimes called the “encyclopedia of yoga”. Her teaching is much more than just an asana based, but carries the holistic imprint of a lifetime spent with the Indian masters. She carries the stamp of reverence, devotion, and humility for the spiritual tradition of yoga. She is a link into the ancient tradition of the world's spiritual masters and you get to discover their secrets through her classes and lifestyle. She is also your average American girl-next-door. Raised in Miami, she loves fashion, vegan eats and walks on the beach. Just like her, Omstars uniquely combines a high level of training in India combined with accessibility and reach to the needs and desires of the “normal” life.

We know the yoga lifestyle works and that it will change your life if you start practicing! You are filled with spirit and light, and we want to illuminate you with great content so you join our community for the long haul and change the world. It’s about more practice, more surrender, more self-reflection, more inclusion, more patience, more tolerance, more kindness, more love, and more peace, for everyone. Make your world a more peaceful place. Reclaim the heart of the practice, its potential for sacredness and for healing, and make it available for the world. Tap into a community of like-minded souls. Find friends that understand you. Achieve a sense of belonging. Live with more purpose. Practice every day. Be an OmStar!


Yoga Gives Back

We believe yoga can change the world and we wanted to create a way for you to give back just by getting on your mat and practicing. Our current charity focus is Yoga Gives Back.

The mission of YGB is to mobilize the global yoga community to empower women and children in India to build sustainable livelihoods. Yoga Gives Back is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness and funds in order to alleviate poverty in India. YGB started in Los Angeles in 2007, determined to find a way for the global yoga community to help the poorest people in the country that gave birth to YOGA. If a fraction of the yearly revenue generation by the yoga industry could be redirected to help the poorest people in India, we can make a lifetime difference!! Many charitable organizations have emerged from within the yoga community, but Yoga Gives Back is a very unique campaign which shows our gratitude by supporting impoverished mothers and children in India.

Image of a group in India that Yoga Gives Back helpsImage of a village group in India that Yoga Gives Back helps
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