Gabriela Dowling is a 500hr RYT certified by Modo Yoga International. She began her teaching journey in 2015 after 7 years of dedicated practice at Modo Yoga in Montreal, QC. She has since taught classes and workshops in Australia, India, France, Quebec, Miami Beach, FL. She holds certifications in Ashtanga Yoga, Modo/Modo Flow Yoga, Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra, & Functional Range Conditioning. She hosts environmentally conscious adventure retreats in the Indian Himalayas based on trek, yoga, & social impact. Learn more at or connect with her via Instagram @gabba_ji.
Gabriela Dowling is a 500hr RYT certified by Modo Yoga International. She began her teaching journey in 2015 after 7 years of dedicated practice at Modo Yoga in Montreal, QC. She has since taught classes and workshops in Australia, India, France, Quebec, Miami Beach, FL. She holds certifications in ...Read More
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