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Yulissa Munoz


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I’m not here to empower you. I’m here to give you the space to empower yourself. I’m a private yoga teacher and coach who supports women on their journey of radical self love and body acceptance through yoga, meditation and empowerment practices. Before I could step into my personal power I had to heal my own relationship with my body and food. I learned how to tap into my own inner wisdom and follow my intuition so I could support other women walking this path. The journey to my Yoga mat… then finding radical self love and body acceptance, was a long one. For as long as I can remember I let my weight determine my self worth. For years I heard: “You’re so beautiful, but you should lose weight.” Diet after diet, I fell short of molding myself to society’s standards. I wasn’t enough for the world. I wasn’t enough for my career. I wasn’t enough for love. I wasn’t enough. These feelings of unworthiness showed up in my life in the form of addiction, workaholism and disordered eating. I sought external validation and let my career determine my worth. When the wholeness, love and acceptance I was seeking never arrived from the external sources I was so addicted to…. I knew that something had to change. I was tired of looking in the mirror and judging myself. I wanted to live fully without being consumed by the number on the scale or the size of my clothes. I wanted to feel worthy. Yoga and meditation provided me with the space to expand and transcend my limiting beliefs and step into a more mindful and compassionate way of life. But feeling comfortable in my practice didn’t happen right away. I was terrified of going to a yoga studio and practicing in front of anyone. My inner critic told me I didn’t have the right body type for yoga and I would be singled out or ridiculed. But eventually I found an instructor who helped me overcome my deep insecurities about moving my body. As my practice evolved, I found freedom in self acceptance and connecting with my body in a new way. Instead of focusing my energy on changing my body, yoga showed me how to tune in and give love to MY body exactly how it was. I discovered the joy and bliss that already existed inside myself. Just five months after my first yoga class, I enrolled in yoga teacher training to go deeper into my practice. In the midst of training, I was laid off from my high stress job. Despite the part of me that wanted stability, something inside of me knew that THIS was my moment. I chose to step into my power. I chose to embrace entrepreneurship. I chose to live in the excitement of the unknown. I decided I was worthy. Inspired to continue my journey, immediately following my training with a US Based Sattva Master Teacher, Claire Zovko,I booked a ticket to India where I practiced and learned from the Master Teacher Anand Mehrotra creator of the Sattva Yoga technique and the Sattva Yoga Academy in Rishikesh. I now get to create the life I’ve always wanted and support others to do the same. I believe loving your body will change your entire life. Yoga is a gateway for loving and honoring our bodies the way they are today. If you’ve ever struggled with feeling ashamed of your body or low self esteem then you know it robs you of joy and peace. For many of us, movement is often linked to weight loss and pushing ourselves to the limit. As we redefine movement as an expression of joy, we tune into the body and feel liberated. Through my yoga classes, workshops and retreats I create a confidential and compassionate space to help women step into radical self love so they can embrace their own power and inner wisdom. I combine healing modalities from yoga, psychology and ayurveda to teach body compassion, intuitive eating and self acceptance. These are all concepts that I have adopted through my personal development journey to reach a healthy relationship with food and my body. Through my teachings I incorporate Health at Every Size principles that celebrate movement, pleasure and listening our body’s natural cues for hunger and satiety instead of restrictive eating. For many of us, years of dieting and disordered eating has caused weight fluctuations that are fueled by body shame. We use the scale to determine our worth and label certain foods as being “good” or “bad.” We are born into this ideology that dieting is our moral imperative. I get it because I’ve been there. I let body shame steal my joy for too long. And now I want to create a space where other women can speak openly and find self compassion. You are already worthy of the life you desire. I’m here to honor your growth and support you on your journey. I offer community yoga classes, workshops and retreats as well private sessions. I can’t wait to see you shine!

I’m not here to empower you. I’m here to give you the space to empower yourself. I’m a private yoga teacher and coach who supports women on their journey of radical self love and body acceptance through yoga, meditation and empowerment practices. Before I could step into my personal power...Read More

Personal Websitehttps://www.yogiyuli.com
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