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In Conversation with Anna Schmidt-Oehm

March 6th at 03:00 PM UTC

Listen in as Monica has candid conversations with experts in the wellness space about yoga, health, and spirituality. They'll share their deep insights and life experiences with you to inspire you to live the yoga life on and off the mat.

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Anna Schmidt-Oehm

Anna is a YA E-RYT with over 10,000 hours of teaching experience, based in Stuttgart, Southern Germany. She fell in love with yoga over 20 years ago. Anna became a yoga teacher in 2013, and two years later, she opened her very own yoga studio in the heart of Stuttgart. While her main teachings are focused on Ashtanga, she also teaches Vinyasa, Yin, and Therapeutic Yoga. Her heart beats for Ashtanga, and it is her main focus for her practice. That is why she did the API with Miami Life Center and the AT with Kino MacGregor and Tim Feldmann. She is also the headteacher of her own 200- and 300-hour teacher training. Anna's classes are deeply roo...

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