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Point of Return Weekend Immersion: Unfreeze Your Shoulders

July 13th at 04:00 PM UTC

Immerse yourself in a 90-minute workshop focused on liberating your shoulder mobility. Discover practical therapeutic techniques to expand the range of motion in your Glenohumeral joint—the body's most flexible joint. Breanna expertly guides you through a blend of strength and flexibility yoga drills, unlocking any barriers hindering your shoulder's potential. Join us to revive and rejuvenate this vital part of your body.

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Breanna Brown

Breanna is the founder of Miami Yoga Bootcamp. Her physical practice of hatha yoga began in 2010. She attended Bikram’s Yoga College of India teacher training in 2014 and has traveled to over 20 different countries sharing her passion for yoga. She is currently ranked 2nd in the region for USA Yoga Sports Federation.

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