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Finding Your Voice Through Mantra

April 18th at 01:00 PM UTC

Join Australian mantra specialist and voice empowerment coach, Kirbanu for this one hour special event where you’ll learn to find your voice using the power of mantra. No previous knowledge of mantra or the voice is required to join this special event.

All this for only$15

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Join Kirbanu and 37 other yogis
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Kirbanu is an Australian-born, German based mantra singer, voice empowerment coach and yoga teacher. Her qualifications are in science, life coaching and yoga, along with 15 years experience as a professional singer and musician. Her unique body of work uses sound, therapeutic techniques and the voice as tools for transformation and profound healing. Kirbanu came to chanting through Sufism. Initiated into the lineage of Hazrat Inyat Khan in 2006, she lived with teachers in America and New Zealand for 3 years, learning about the power of sound and mantra as a spiritual practice. Her mantra practice has since been guided by the works of Thom...

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