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Handstand Mechanics with Kino MacGregor

Find out everything you ever wanted to know about doing handstands! This 2hr workshop is perfect for the handstand lover, the inspired student or yoga teacher.

All this for only $108 Get an extra $88 off when you join Omstars+
Purchase Course Today!

1 Module

2-hour workshop detailing key elements of handstands.

100% Exclusive

A one of a kind intimate workshop-style experience carefully designed by Kino.

Lifetime Access

Keep lifetime access to this special course and come back to it again and again.

Find out everything you ever wanted to know about doing handstands! This 2hr workshop is perfect for the handstand lover, the inspired student or yoga teacher.

1 Module

2-hour workshop detailing key elements of handstands.

100% Exclusive

A one of a kind intimate workshop-style experience carefully designed by Kino.

Lifetime Access

Keep lifetime access to this special course and come back to it again and again.

Breakdown the basics of good handstand technique and alignment

In this full two hour virtual workshop you’ll learn:

• Important warm-ups to prevent injury
• Wall exercises to help you gain confidence
• Core strengthening essential to finding your balance
• Alignment tips that are key to handstand success
• Techniques that handstand experts know and use

Kino has packed 10+ years of handstand experience into this intensive 2-hour workshop. Come back to it, again and again, to refine your technique and build on your knowledge.

Kino MacGregor

This workshop is broken down into four part—philosophy, conditioning, wall-work and practice. Building step-by-step through wrist and shoulder warm-ups, you will be guided through sound anatomical principles to keep your body safe through each step of the way. Everything I share with you here is what I wished I would have learned right from day one of my handstand journey.

Teacher image

Learn the Lessons Kino Wished She Knew When She Started Her Handstand Journey

This thorough step-by-step workshop is divided into four important parts

1. Philosophy
2. Conditioning
3. Wall-Work
4. Practice

Learn the anatomical principles to keep your body safe through every step of your journey. A live workshop like this with Kino would normally cost $150, but when you sign up for Handstand Mechanics you get the same level of teaching from her for just $50. Best of all you can come back to it again and again.

Workshop Outline

  • thumbnail image for Workshop Intro

    Duration: 1 minute, 2 seconds

    Workshop Intro

    We all love handstands! Breakdown the basics of good technique and alignment in this two hour workshop. Wrist warm-up ... More

  • thumbnail image for Handstand Mechanics Workshop

    Duration: 2 hours, 1 minute, 36 seconds

    Handstand Mechanics Workshop

    We all love handstands! Breakdown the basics of good technique and alignment in this two hour workshop. Wrist warm-up ... More