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Inversions, Arm Balances, and Headstands with Tim Feldmann

Do you want to add more inversions to your yoga practice? Join Tim Feldmann for this 2-hour workshop that will show you how to do inversions, headstands, and arm balances in a safe way AND a fun way.

All this for only $25

1 Module

2-hour workshop detailing how to do inversions safely.

100% Exclusive

A one of a kind intimate workshop-style experience carefully designed by Tim.

Lifetime Access

Keep lifetime access to this special course and come back to it again and again.

Do you want to add more inversions to your yoga practice? Join Tim Feldmann for this 2-hour workshop that will show you how to do inversions, headstands, and arm balances in a safe way AND a fun way.

1 Module

2-hour workshop detailing how to do inversions safely.

100% Exclusive

A one of a kind intimate workshop-style experience carefully designed by Tim.

Lifetime Access

Keep lifetime access to this special course and come back to it again and again.

A unique workshop that will put the fun back into the fundamentals of inversions!

In this full two hour immersion workshop you’ll learn:

• Practical tools to turn upside down with stability and grace
• Anatomical patterns at play in your body while inverted
• Shoulder mechanics to stabilize your inversions
• Knowledge you can use whether you’re balancing on your head, hands or elbows
• And much more

Tim has packed over 25 years of knowledge and experience into this exclusive Omstars workshop to help you integrate inversions into your practice. His quirky personality and powerful insights will make this a workshop you come back to again and again.

Tim Feldmann

Tim is the founding and captain of the world-wide recognized Miami Life Center which he runs with his wife Kino MacGregor. He has practiced yoga since 1994 and Ashtanga Since 1999. Authorized to teach by Pattabhi Jois and Sharath Jois, he explores core concepts and modern boundaries of Patanjali’s yoga teachings alike. A practitioner of Ashtanga Yoga’s Advanced A Series, Tim is dedicated to Ashtanga’s traditional method. Drawing upon his past as an internationally successful dancer and acclaimed choreographer, anatomy, alignment and technique is his second nature.

Tim has been pursuing in-depth studies of Patanjali, Sankhya and Vedanta over the past 7 years with Vidwan Nagaraja Rao, Jayashree & Narasimha and other exceptional scholars in India. Cherished worldwide for his fun, disciplined and detailed pursuit of authentic yoga and his compassionately effective touch, Tim travels to Yoga Shalas around the globe with the inclusive message of how study, steadiness and devotion is the means to powerful transformation both inside and outside of us.

Teacher image

You don’t have to be a world-class gymnast to feel comfortable getting upside down!

Tim will guide you through a natural progression of inversions to help you feel comfortable as you move forward in the workshop...

1. Philosophy
2. Anatomy
3. Technique
4. Application of your new knowledge

A live workshop like this with Tim would normally cost $150, but when you sign up for Inversions, Arm Balances, and Headstands you get the same level of teaching from him for just $50. Best of all you can come back to it again and again.

Your Lesson Plan

  • thumbnail image for Inversions, Arm Balances, and Headstands Trailer

    Duration: 47 seconds

    Inversions, Arm Balances, and Headsta ...

    Senior Ashtanga Yoga teacher, Tim Feldmann, is bringing you his unique, quirky and effective insights on inversions! ... More

  • thumbnail image for Workshop

    Duration: 1 hour, 52 minutes, 57 seconds


    Senior Ashtanga Yoga teacher, Tim Feldmann, is bringing you his unique, quirky and effective insights on inversions! ... More