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30 Days of Core

Ignite your inner fire!

with Kino MacGregor

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Learn the core strengthening drills Kino still uses

Get 30 lessons from Kino PLUS 2 bonus lessons

Start a new yoga habit with Kino’s help along the way

Course Overview

Build the strong core you deserve

Jumpstart your inner fire and put the spark back in your yoga practice with 30 Days of Core! A strong core is the foundation of your yoga practice. During the 30 Days of Core Challenge, you’ll get new classes every day from Kino. Whether you’re brand new to the practice or you’re an experienced practitioner, this challenge is for you! Pose and movement variations will be included to make sure your daily dose of fire is truly accessible. These classes can be done as your practice of the day or as an add-on to your existing practice—it just depends on how much you want to sweat and move!



Why you should join the 30 Days of Core Challenge:

- Learn from an expert

- Improve posture and spine stability

- Prevent injury 

- Improve balance

- Enhance your yoga practice.

- Move with more efficiency

- Reduce your risk of lower back pain

- Enhance your body awareness

- Improve your overall fitness