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Handstands Building Blocks

with Kino MacGregor

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6 in-depth lessons

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  • Course Overview

    Speed up your handstand progress 


    Do you feel like you’ve hit a wall in your handstand practice? Are handstands so intimidating to you that you are afraid to even try them? You can do handstands with the right techniques and practice. Kino has built this class to teach you the handstands essentials you need to finally balance upside down. Learn how to build the strength and flexibility necessary for the perfect handstand. In this course, Kino teaches you everything she’s learned from decades of handstand practice to give you the confidence and knowledge you need to succeed in your practice.


    What you’ll learn:

    - Important handstand techniques

    - Various types of handstand 

    - Speed up your progression

    - Essential warmup drills

    - Poses to prepare for handstands

    - Ways to enter & exit handstands

    - Secrets to improving balance


    Course Outline

    - The Basics of Tuck

    - Open Up and Tuck

    - Straddle Up

    - The Playful Puppy Press

    - Pike in the Negative

    - Splits-A-Licious

    - BONUS: Warmup Drills for Handstands