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Handstands for Everyone

30 Days to Stronger, More Confident Handstands

with Kino MacGregor

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Learn the strengthening and flexibility drills Kino still uses

Get 30 lessons from Kino

Start a new yoga habit with Kino’s help along the way

  • Course Overview


    Turn Your Whole World Upside Down


    The first time Kino tried to do a handstand, she fell down and thought that getting into handstand would be impossible for her. With practice, she was finally able to balance. Now she’s designed this challenge to help you build the strength and flexibility you need to make the seemingly impossible possible. Handstands for Everyone is a 30-day challenge that will teach you everything you need to know to get started on your handstand journey. Get ready to expand your mind and your heart as you feel the joy of turning upside down.



    Why you should join the Handstands for Everyone Challenge


    - Learn from an expert

    - Improve balance

    - Build arm and shoulder strength

    - Improve core strength

    - Build confidence

    - Enhance your yoga practiceImprove your overall fitness