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In Conversation with Katy Scherer

March 15th at 12:30 PM UTC

Listen in as Monica has candid conversations with experts in the wellness space about yoga, health, and spirituality. They'll share their deep insights and life experiences with you to inspire you to live the yoga life on and off the mat.

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Katy Scherer

I love to blur the lines between tradition and modernity and find it fascinating, scary, provocative and transformational! An Ashtangi at heart I find comfort and support within the traditions of the practice, completing 5 months of study in Mysore under Sharath Jois and gaining his blessing to teach in 2022 where I received my authorisation. When it comes to breathwork and pranayama it's a different story. After years of traditional practice I shook things up and dove head first into the world of breathwork where I experienced the life altering power of breath! Blending tradition, modern science and dynamic breathwork practices I offe...

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