Discover the legendary practice of Iyengar Yoga in this 3 month progressive course, which will showcase a variety of ways yoga can be practiced. We will explore the importance of balance in our practice: mobility to cultivate flexibility, strengthening to build endurance, and sensitivity for deep relaxation. Based on the philosophical teachings of Patanjali, this course will introduce the teachings of yoga in an easy to understand manner guided by a teacher who has been studying this ancient practice for over 26 years.
Omstars+ members only pay $10
Made in Brazil with Mexican ingredients, Rosa Santana is a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher, and Certified Yoga Therapist by the International Association of Yoga Therapists. She has been studying, teaching, and propagating the therapeutic art of Iyengar Yoga and the teachings of Patanjali since 1995. She was drawn to the mental and physical discipline after suffering three accidental falls, one of which fractured her tailbone. Since healing her back, neck and sciatica pains, she has introduced yoga to thousands of students who had never experienced this healing art, philosophy, and science. In 2001, she founded Yogarosa, in the Miami area, ...
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