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Ashtanga Quarter Primary Series

December 10th at 05:00 PM UTC

Join Tatiana in a beginner friendly approach to an Ashtanga Primary Series practice. We will focus on the first quarter of the Primary Series allowing us to move mindfully. Take your time and learn how to approach this practice with care and ease. Props are welcome and explored with each posture, with a focus on feeling the subtle body and how you can settle more into the body when you find stillness of breath and mind.

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Tatiana Uprimny

Tatiana Uprimny began her journey into yoga in May 2016 and from her very first class she felt a subtle shift inside, as though she had found a missing piece of her puzzle. In March 2017, she was introduced to Ashtanga and that piece finally fit. By January 2018 she had taken MLC’s Ashtanga Intensive Course and thru her devotional approach to her practice she came to understand how important it is to listen to your inner voice in all aspects of life, and how this voice is always guiding us from a deep and intuitive knowledge we all have and can tap into. This message has become her focal point when guiding practitioners thru their practice, a...

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