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Breath Journey

October 2nd at 01:00 PM UTC

This class is a deep exploration into the power of you own breathing. Our breath journey classes are intensive dives into the inner power we all possess but can’t always access. During each themed session you will be guided through a breathing sequence where we will deliberately activate and release the nervous system. Each session is followed by a period or meditation, self-reflection, and group discussion. Breath journeys are incredible opportunities for deep inner reflection and self-work so we hope you join for an intense and transformational experience. Due to the intensity of our sessions, it is recommended to get in touch before if you have any severe health issues such as a heart condition or epilepsy.

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Katy Scherer

I love to blur the lines between tradition and modernity and find it fascinating, scary, provocative and transformational! An Ashtangi at heart I find comfort and support within the traditions of the practice, completing 5 months of study in Mysore under Sharath Jois and gaining his blessing to teach in 2022 where I received my authorisation. When it comes to breathwork and pranayama it's a different story. After years of traditional practice I shook things up and dove head first into the world of breathwork where I experienced the life altering power of breath! Blending tradition, modern science and dynamic breathwork practices I offe...

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