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Total Body Flexibility Challenge

14 Days to a More Flexible You!

with Kino MacGregor and Irene Pappas

Enter your email & begin a journey of flexibility!

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Discover the secrets to flexibility

Learn the drills Kino and Irene use in their daily practices

Start a new yoga habit with Kino and Irene’s help along the way

Course Overview

Tackle those twisty bendy poses that look impossible!


We’ve all had the experience of looking at a yoga pose and thinking there’s no way my body could ever twist into that position. Flexibility is the key to all those bendy poses. In this challenge, Kino MacGregor and Irene Pappas will share their favorite poses and drills to help you get into those seemingly impossible poses. Increase flexibility in your hips and learn how to get into those challenging backbends. There will be modifications and variations for all of the poses along the way to make the challenge accessible to everyone. 

Why you should join the Total Body Flexibility Challenge:


- Learn from the experts
- Prevent injury
- Enhance your range of motion
- Get tools to make difficult poses obtainable
- Unlock your ability to do splits
- Improve overall muscular health
- Start a new yoga habit